chandise to former employers, was discovered to be male.... In Minneapolis, prisoner Vera Jackson, spending 10-day stretch in womens workhouse was discoveredafter an anonymous phone tip-to be man. She'd feigned illness when admitted, so avoiding routine medical . . .

Our movie-going readers will regret the passing of Franklin Pangborn, scene-stealing bit player who portrayed rather elegant and dithery hotel clerk, ribbon salesman or dress designer in hundreds of films.

CONFIDENTIAL mag recently paid Liberace $40,000 in settlement for their snide article about him..... THE SERGEANT, Dennis Murphy's perky novel about young soldier defending his virginity from unconscious homosexual drives of his topkick currently being filmed. Wonder how it'll come out when censors get thru? . . . . THE KING MUST DIE, Mary Renault's new novel of ancient Crete, which also has gay bits, in the works too, but homosexuality being only minor theme in this, it shouldn't give rewrite boys much trouble, and it has enough gore and adventure to suit Hollywood mood . . .

Signs-of-the-Times: Hill-St store advertising socks: "Can be worn by all three sexes." Frat-house at a local school: "Deviate Go Home." And a beanery that suffered from too-regular vice-squad importunities: "No faggots allowed."

Boston, New Haven, New Britain, Troy and Newark authorities banning rock'n'roll shows which they say causes teen-age violence. One Dist. Atty. calls it "rock'n'roll Faganism." Legislatures horning in also. Hardly seems that these cheap songs alone could lead kids astray, tho in presence of other considerable causes, R&R could be contributing factor. For most teeners it's harmless outlet for natural pent-up

energies. If some teeners have too much pent-up inside them, it isn't the safety valve that causes the explosion. Parents and authorities. should stop hunting scapegoats and get down to real analysis of problem .

In syndicated series "Crisis in Morals," "noted writer" Howard Whitman liberalishly discussed such problems as censorship, homosexuality, etc., with explicit assumption homosexuality was an abomination and disease. For someone who writes frequently on subject, he's at least moderately well-informed, which is unusual..

The Crime Story TV show reported elsewhere in this issue, threatened to "expose" an unnamed homosexual magazine "which your own children could be getting on newsstands." So the toned down and reasonable final program was pleasant surprise, particularly the final conclusion, in which all the panelists seemed to concur, that law ought to be reformed. Quite startling was the reading by private-eye Fred Otash, notorious from CONFIDENTIAL trial and scandals, of exact wording of vulgar "sex perversion" laws, and his admission of his own former activities as vice-squadder at peeping in public

cans .


New Orleans, hardly a puritan city, had reputation of letting people mind their own morals except where they infringed on public order, but the effects of recent political jostling between Mayor deLesseps Morrison and District Attorney R. A. Dowling led to an irresponsible and over-inflated "vice cleanup" directed primarily against homosexuals, but also hitting night club strippers, jazz spots and even a quiet club of nudists.